14 confiscated assets
Buildings, land, warehouses removed from organized crime and returned to the community
Buildings, land, warehouses removed from organized crime and returned to the community
Financing from the Campania Region with resources from the European Social Fund for over 1.3 million euros
Activities with a strong social, economic and environmental impact in favor of fragile individuals and local communities
With the measure Support for the management of confiscated assets, the Campania Region supports social enterprises in the management of assets confiscated from the Camorra, increasing their competitiveness, and allowing, through the effective reuse of the asset, its sustainable management and its use. of the community.
14 projects have been funded, all with high social impact spread throughout the Campania region and realized in as many properties – real estate, warehouses, agricultural land – confiscated from the Camorra clans for a total amount of over one million 300 thousand euros from the resources of the European Social Fund.
Beneficiaries of regional support are social enterprises, in single or associated form, which have received funding of up to 80,000 euros for projects presented individually and up to 150,000 euros for projects in associated form.
Some projects are already at an advanced stage of construction while others, also thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, are in the start-up phase.
Watch the video describing the regional intervention with main data and the references of the approved projects
In the interview, Councilor Morcone underlines the commitment of the Campania Region in supporting the fight against organized crime also through the restitution of confiscated assets from the community because, thanks to the activity carried out, the asset becomes a lever for territorial development and an instrument towards a path of legality especially towards the younger generations.
“… the reuse of confiscated assets as a preventive measure takes us forward in Europe and becomes a lever for territorial development …”
Mario Morcone, Regional Councilor for Security, Legality and Immigration
“Thanks to the relationship between the social reuse of the confiscated property and the training and productive alliance that today we can continue to feel ourselves active protagonists”
From the stories of the protagonists of the experiences started, all the energy of those who make the choice, almost always tiring and against the tide, to invest in “difficult” territories, the desire for social commitment and the vocation for sustainable development emerge.
The funded projects are all characterized by a strong social, economic or environmental impact and embrace numerous areas, from personal services to agricultural production, from small artisan productions to the recycling of materials.
While some funded projects concern aspects of the productive activities carried out by the beneficiary social enterprise, others are focused on the socio-labor inclusion of fragile individuals for whom there is a strong aspiration for a better future and the desire for social redemption.
The intervention Support for the Management of Confiscated Assets represents one of the main elements of the regional policies in support of legality and the fight against crime that are characterizing the institutional action of the Region also thanks to an intelligent use of the resources of the 2014-2020 programming of the Fund European Social The strategy of hitting crime in one’s own patrimonial interests, with the confiscation of assets, does not bear fruit if the assets are not returned to the community through the support of social enterprise activities, both productive and services, which take place in these assets and which are characterized by a strong social and economic value.
Il Fondo Sociale Europeo (FSE) è il principale strumento dall’UE per sostenere l’occupazione, aiutare i cittadini a trovare posti di lavoro e garantire lavorative più opportunità eque per tutti. Grazie a una dotazione di 837.176.347,00 euro, il POR CAMPANIA FSE aumenta le prospettive occupazionali dei cittadini campani, prestando particolare attenzione a chi incontra maggiori difficoltà a trovare lavoro.
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