ITS – FAQ 07/01/22. Public notice for the establishment of new ITS Foundations and the activation of new paths for the three-year period 2022/2025

Here are the FAQ updated to 07/01/2022 * relating to the public notice for the establishment of new ITS foundations and the activation of new paths for the three-year period 2022/2025 are published.

The notice was issued with DD no. 505 – DG 11 of 01/10/21, published in BURC n. 97 of 04/10/21 and is financed with a total amount of € 9,807,231.00 from the resources of the ROP Campania ESF 2021-2027.

Please note that the applications for the establishment of new ITS foundations have been extended to 02/14/2022 and that the start of training activities for the three-year period 2022/2025 had been extended to 01/31/2022.

FAQ 07/01/22

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