FSE Monitoring Committee, expenditure trend increases in 2017

On Thursday 24 May, at the Royal Continental Hotel in Naples, the Monitoring Committee of the POR Campania FSE 2014-2020 met, a fundamental moment of confrontation to verify the implementation of the Programme and to discuss the progress made.

Around the table were representatives of the European Commission, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the National Agency for Active and Labour Policies (ANPAL), the Managing Authority of the POR Campania FSE, the Head of the Joint Programming, and a representative of the Campania Regional Council.

In summary, the Annual Implementation Report (AAR) for 2017 was presented and approved, in which the main initiatives planned concerned employment policies, the promotion of early childhood care services, the strengthening of human capital, and administrative simplification. The work continued with the reporting on the progress of the Operational Programme. In the first few months of 2018, the state of implementation of the POR Campania FSE 2014-2020 recorded further progress compared to 2017. In fact, new resources amounting to more than €113 million have been programmed, reaching a total amount equal to about 72% of the total available resources of the Programme. New implementing measures have been published for more than €37 million and additional projects for more than €31 million have been admitted for funding.

In Campania we are well on track with the certification of expenditure,” Maurizio Corradetti of the European Commission stressed in his speech, “and there is a good chance of reaching the target set on 31 December. My advice is to accelerate in order not to get to the finish line with short breath.

The indicators have shown that from January to today,” pointed out the Councillor for European Funds of the Campania Region Serena Angioli, “the spending trend has grown significantly. However, I would like to stress another important aspect that is maturing among European funds. In some areas, such as research, employment and training, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF) are starting to work together”.

foto Massimo Pica

foto Massimo Pica

foto Massimo Pica

foto Massimo Pica

foto Massimo Pica