The European Cohesion Policy for the 2014-2020 programming cycle envisaged eleven Thematic Objectives of which four – 8, 9, 10 and 11 – are pursued through the implementation of the Regional Operational Program of the European Social Fund .
The four Thematic Objectives (TO*) are linked to as many Priority Axes of intervention to which a fifth Axis relating to Technical Assistance is added. Within each Objective, the investment priorities are identified that contribute to achieving, through Specific Objectives (SO*) and in accordance with the principles contained in the regulations and the choices of the Regional Strategic Document (DSR), the concentration of interventions and expenditure. Within each Axis, the Expected Results are identified which descend from the investment priorities, which are achieved through a set of actions, the effectiveness of which is measured by the reference result and achievement indicators.
Each measure issued by the Campania Region, therefore, refers to at least: a Priority Axis and Thematic Objective, an Investment Priority, a Specific Objective, an Expected Result and an Action
* In Italian: TO > OT (Obiettivo Tematico); SO > OS (Obiettivo Specifico)
Below is the list of Thematic Objectives and related Priority Axes:
OT 8 Promote sustainable and quality employment and support labour mobility
Axis I Employment
OT 9 Promote social inclusion and combat poverty and all forms of discrimination
Axis 2 Social inclusion and fight against poverty
OT 10 Invest in education, training and vocational training for skills and lifelong learning
Axis 3 Istruzione e formazione
OT 11 Strengthen the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and an efficient public administration
Axis 4 Institutional and administrative capacity
Axis 5 Technical assistance
Il Fondo Sociale Europeo (FSE) è il principale strumento dall’UE per sostenere l’occupazione, aiutare i cittadini a trovare posti di lavoro e garantire lavorative più opportunità eque per tutti. Grazie a una dotazione di 837.176.347,00 euro, il POR CAMPANIA FSE aumenta le prospettive occupazionali dei cittadini campani, prestando particolare attenzione a chi incontra maggiori difficoltà a trovare lavoro.